Saturday, November 21, 2009

If a child talks, would you listen?

Some of us have had the wonderful opportunity to attend conventions for our jobs. Being a teacher, I try to attend the teacher's convention here in Milwaukee as often as possible. The key note speakers are usually brilliant authors of children books, or once classroom teachers turned into motivational leaders and administrators, or even very successfully business men/women who were highly affected by their childhood teacher.

Don't get me wrong, their words can be strong and powerful, and I usually walk away with some sort of "new perspective". But what if a child talked? What if the one person whom we as teachers touch the lives everyday spoke? What would they say? How would it impact our teaching? After watching this clip, I now know the answers to my questions... I think the keynote speaker should be the child every time...because aren't they the ones that matter most?

I hope this humbling video brings happiness to you- because remember at one point in our lives we were ALL that student! What would you have asked your teacher?

Click here to watch the video

Monday, November 16, 2009

A man's quest for happiness...

I have been very blessed thus far in my lifetime. I have met a lot of wonderful people, been able able to travel to a few amazing destinations, have a very loving and supportive family, and I am very healthy. Yet I still search for happiness- not the everyday on the surface happiness, but the deep rooted happiness that touches your soul...

This man's name and story were brought to my attention over the weekend at my Master's class. His journey will forever touch my life - it has awakened a piece of happiness deep inside my soul.

I hope you gain some inspiration from Scott Stoll's video and pass the word along....

Click here!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009


12 oz Cafe Mocha ~ $3.69
Cute wristlet ~ $6.99
Thank you card~ $ 1.99

The smile on a friends face when she receives the unexpected gift ~ priceless

The happiness a smile brings is humbling...have you made someone smile today?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Every morning I leave my house at 6:00 a.m. and make the 30 minute drive to work. And at the end of the day, I make that same boring 30 minute drive back home. The morning drive is more difficult... I have to wake up, get focused, have a positive attitude for the day, and all the while drink my cup of green tea :) I find that the most influential factor in accomplishing all this is the music I listen to in the car.
I hate talk radio -because I feel like I'm listening to a bunch of negative gossipers from the latest "OK" magazine; and maybe, just maybe as I flip through the channels I'll hit the end of one song that I kind of like....
So now, I plug in my IPhone, click on my Pandora Icon, type in Bob Marley, and let his soothing voice guide me to happiness. If you don't have Pandora, get it now! It's a free ( up to 40 hours of listening per month) Internet radio that has every station you can think of. You type in an artist or song you like and it creates a station built around your musical interest! You can listen to it on your phone or on your computer ( anywhere that has the Internet). I am constantly using it at work to put a little pep in my step ! So go ahead and visit it now!

With that, I will leave with an inspirational quote from the man himself and hope this musical tool brings you happiness on your drive to work!

“Hey mister music, sure sounds good to me I can't refuse it what to be got to be”

~ Bob Marley

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Suze Orman

S0, today I was watching Oprah and Suze Orman was on. I have never heard of this woman until today. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard her giving these amazingly positive one liners. The topic was successful / famous people going back to their very first job.

Suze Orman is a personal finance expert who also is a motivational speaker, she has won numerous awards, and just this year Forbes named Orman 18th on their list of The Most Influential Women In Media. You can learn more about Suze Orman at :

As Suze was talking with Oprah and discussing her first job as waitress and short order cook at the ButterCup Bakery, she touched upon how her first job helped her to discover the ultimate respect for people. She acknowledged that when each person came to eat at the restaurant, it was her job to make that the most enjoyable experience possible. It wasn't work for her, it was what made her happy and her customers happy.

"Who you are has nothing to do with what you do. Who you are is how you treat people. How you serve people. How you cater to them. If you can just be kind to people, if you can just be pleasant to people, that the greatest tip in life is when they smile back at you."

Although those were indeed moving words, her next quote struck my happy nerve when she spoke about the key to happiness ~

"When you make average great, your dreams can become reality".

I'll leave you with those few words from this new inspirational person in my life, in hopes that today you can find a piece of "humbled happiness".